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Beauty Beauty Beauty! What a big topic in todays world. Everywhere we look from the media to social media, we seem to be surrounded with beauty related products, beautiful and handsome looking people, and the various standards of beauty.

This weeks blog is going to talk about what beauty means to us as a brand, and we would love it if you left a comment below informing us what beauty means to you!

In our eyes, beauty is unique to everyone. We understand that the standards of beauty are going to look different to each and every person based on their values, beliefs, culture, age, sex, geographical location, self esteem, and the list goes on and on. What we do know is that what may seem beautiful in the eyes of one person, may be completely different for someone else. 

Beauty to our brand is someone who has confidence within themselves, who is kind to others, and someone who is willing to listen, learn, and know that the world is full of possibilities. We're going to break this down a little further so you can get a better understanding of where we're coming from. Ready? Here we go!

Beauty is someone who has confidence in themselves: When you have confidence in yourself, you tend to feel a little bit more reassured of yourself. When you're reassured of yourself, you tend to make decisions that align with your core values, and you may not need to seek validation from anyone else. Now this is not to say a confident person will not seek the opinions or feedback from others. What we mean is when you're confident you tend to have a higher sense of self esteem, which is proven to showcase your true authentic abilities, and allows you to continue to grow and be the best version of you! When you have confidence you're likely doing things to make yourself happy vs living your life to please or have the approval of others, or strangers. Learning how to be confident and being the best version of you, is quite a beautiful thing!

Beauty is someone who is kind to others: We truly believe that kindness goes a long way in this world. People who are kind and caring for themselves, and others show a different level of beauty. Have you ever met someone who looks "Pretty" or "Handsome" in your eyes, but once you got to know them they were just a "really mean person" or just very "off putting"? Yeah, we've ALL been there! This is why we believe that when people are kind to others, it allows for so much positivity to be attracted that person naturally, as this falls into the law of attraction. What you generally put out into the universe, it may or will eventually come back to you. Kindness is a type of beauty that runs deep, it can have a positive impact on you, the people around you, and can raise your overall vibration. Being kind is beautiful! Now we all know that there is a time and place for kindness. If someone is trying to walk over you, it's not necessarily okay to be nasty back, but being ASSERTIVE, and taking control over the way you say your words, holds power over you. Remember, we may not be able to control what happens to us, but we CAN control the way we react :)! All in all we believe, beauty is being kind to yourself and others around you! 

Beauty is someone who is willing to listen, learn, and know that the world is full of possibilities: We truly believe that when your confident within yourself, and kind to others, it allows you to be able to listen and learn from others! Someone who is insecure or has a low self esteem may take offence if you try to offer advice or feedback. They may even feel like they're being picked on, or targeted depending on how they view themselves, or how they think others are viewing them! When you're confident, you're able to listen and learn from others around you! A confident person is of course, confident in themselves, but this does not mean that they don't think they cannot learn from others around them! They will not think they have the answers to everything. When you're open to listening and learning from someone who may actually be better then you at  certain tasks, or skills, like makeup, being a Manager, making youtube videos, and so many more examples, It can allow you to actually elevate yourself as a person! The most successful and smartest people in the world don't say "okay I've learned everything I need to know now, i'm going to stop". NO! They keep filling their minds with knowledge, they keep reading, they keep networking, and they keep thriving to be the best version of them! Knowledge is power and we believe this is another component to making a person beautiful!

These are a few characteristics that our brand believes to truly make a person beautiful! Did you notice that we did not talk about physical looks? We did not speak about skin colour, hair length, thick thighs, big lips, or a large bust. Why not? Because that is ALL superficial beauty! You can look like a Goddess on the outside, but how are you as a person? Are you kind? Do you value yourself? Are you willing to learn from others and listen to others? This is why we believe that beauty is skin deep. It starts from within!

Again, these are some of our opinions of what makes a person beautiful. Of course there are so many other factors that do fall into the physical side of beauty such as taking care of your body in terms of fitness, or a person who eats healthy, etc. But we wanted to go deeper then that :) We believe it all starts from within! 

To wrap this post up, just a reminder that you are beautiful in your own unique way. Show the world your true beauty! Be kind, take the time to listen to others, and always be open to learning! We are limitless humans and we can achieve anything we put our minds too! 

Comment below what beauty means to you! We'd love to hear it!

Hope you enjoyed this weeks blog post!

See you all next week for more beauty, positivity, and life related topics :)


Fit For A Princess Beauty.

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