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Hello loves, 

This weeks blog post is all about how to become the best version of yourself! Being happy with our lives, and who we are, can take some time and patience. We felt this was an important topic to speak about as many of us are always looking for ways to better ourselves! 

Here are 10 tips to help you become the best version of you: 

  1. Live in the present moment. This is something that actually takes a lot of practice. Have you ever been in the shower, but you're thinking about what happened earlier in the day? Or what will happen tomorrow? Revisiting past events in your head? All while the focus should be on taking a shower (in a perfect world). We have all been there! Sometimes being present and focusing on the task at hand can take a lot of work. Allow yourself to be present in the moment for a few minutes per day to start. You can focus on your food while eating, focus on the road while driving, and just giving your full attention to whatever is happening in front of you!

  2. Don't let the opinion of others derail you and your choices. What we mean is to really focus on what you want, and go after it. Sometimes when we let others make choices for us, it can impact our judgement and the choices we make. The expert of your life is you, and it's so important that you learn to become in tune with your inner instinct and judgement. It's not a bad thing to seek advice from others, but be sure the choices you make in life are something you can stand by, be proud of are in alignment with who you are as a person!

  3. Setup a routine. Having a routine can seem redundant and repetitive, however a little bit of structure in your life can add value to maximize your time and energy. An interesting quote that we saw from watching an interview with Kim Kardashian was "how can you be successful without being organized?". Very true, a routine can add value to your life, and the best part you can completely customize it to fit your needs. Its never too late to start! 

  4. Be realistic and set S.M.A.R.T goals. Any goal that you set should be something that you can realistically achieve in your life. No goal is ever too big! If you want to become a millionaire, you absolutely can. It's important to take the steps towards how you'll be making that kind of money, however it's not impossible. The world is filled with millionaires and billionaires. They did it somehow. It's important to set goals and have a clear path and realistic time frame to achieve your end goal. You will have to be able to put in the work, it may not be easy, but if you stick to a plan and put in the work, you never know what blessings may come your way. 

  5. Appreciate the good, and the bad. Life is filled with ups and downs, nothing is alway good, and not always bad either (although sometimes it can seem that way). Life comes in different waves, appreciate each moment, and understand that everything is a life experience and lesson. Nothing happens by mistake, although some of our experiences can be crude and cruel. Everything is meant to happen, and it may not make sense in the moment, or seem unfair, but we have to push through somehow! The thing is, when life events happen, once they take place, we cannot change or fix them. Thats why learning to appreciate both the good and bad can give us an understanding that life is not always perfect. 

  6. Spread love in the universe. Ever hear the saying what goes around comes around? Well we believe their is some truth to this! It's important to spread love onto others, and back out into the world! Do your best to live your life in an honest and whole hearted way. Give someone a compliment, help a Friend or Family member when you're able too, stand up for injustice when possible, and just try to live your life in the best and purest way whenever you can. Overall we believe in trying to do the right thing and to spreading love into the world. 

  7. Exercise weekly. We have spoken about the importance of exercise before on our previous blogs, but it's only because we feel that it is so important for living a balanced, healthy and overall happier life. Incorporating exercise into your weekly routine is so beneficial in so many ways! It allows you to burn off extra steam while working towards staying, or getting fit! Our Founder Shantel, finds that starting her day off with a 30 minute run, allows her to set the tone for the day, and helps her maintain her fitness goals. You don't necessarily need to go running everyday at 6 am, but it's important to find what works for you, your body, your schedule, and your life routine. 

  8. Forgive, and move forward. The topic of forgiveness can be very tricky so we won't get into too much detail as everyone has their own personal life experience. What we would like to say is, sometimes when we hold onto things that have hurt us, or have caused us trauma, or have impacted our lives negatively in some way, holding onto the hurt and pain can have an impact on our present life. It's important to work through any past trauma or any life experiences that have caused you distress with a trusted Family member, Friend, or licensed Therapist. Often times, many people do not reach out for help when needed, we just want to let you know it's okay to do so! Forgiveness is not always an overnight process, and many people do not know where to start. You can always search online for local mental health support in your area. It can be in various forms such as online chats, phone support, Doctor referrals, and so much more!

  9. Celebrate your big and small successes! Be sure to celebrate the big and small successes in your life! Setting a goal, making progress towards achieving the goal, or fully achieving the goal, should be celebrated! Even when you tell yourself you're going to workout today, and you actually workout, thats an achievement! Theirs so many people who think about accomplishing something, or say they want to accomplish something, but never go after it! No success is ever too big or too small to not be celebrated! Be sure to reward your progress and celebrate all that you've accomplished! 

  10. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks. This may seem a little strange to some of you but just hear us out! Sometimes many of us don't always have a positive person in our corner to cheer us on, or wish us well. Many people do not have a guide or mentor to help them navigate their goals, businesses desires, and dreams. Listening to podcasts and audiobooks are an amazing way to listen to other successful individuals, share their stories, and experiences, in which you may be able to relate to. You can pretty much find all types of motivational podcasts online for free, and Youtube is also another great alternative. So if you don't have someone cheering you on in your corner, there is always this option as well. You are not alone, you can succeed!  

Well loves, thats all for this week! Those are out 10 tips for becoming the best version of yourself. Hoping some of you found this blog helpful!

Fit For A Princess Beauty is all about spreading love into the world, empowering individuals, and helping you be the most beautiful person both inside and out! 

This is why we create these blogs to help aid you to becoming a better you!

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Much love,

Fit For A Princess Beauty Inc 

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